I’ve Been Considering World Domination

Because really, who doesn’t picture a global take over when things are getting rough?

Part of the reason why I’ve been so spacey with the blog is because I’ve begun the long and grueling process of trying to locate and acquire both a summer job and a fall internship.

So far, the summer is looking like another thrilling dive into the customer service industry. For those of you who don’t know me too well, let me tell you this: I’m not what anyone would ever describe as a ‘people person.’ And I only barely describe myself as a person in the loosest meaning of the word being a fleshy, breathing humanoid.

I don’t like dealing with customers. I really don’t like dealing with customers who want to blame the entirety of the film industry’s problems on you, the person selling them their popcorn in a crappy little local theatre. Sir, if I controlled the quality of your 3D experience do you think I would be wearing this silly little vest? The answer, no. No, I wouldn’t.

Unfortunately, it seems this is the road I’m headed towards again. Not a crappy little local theatre, but something with customers just as self involved I’m sure.

As for internships, I’m lost. Send out the coast guards because I have no idea what I’m doing and those waves are looking rough. Nothing in Burlington really catches my eye and as I watch my friend at NYU apply to Marvel Comics I can’t help but be jealous and want something like that for myself. Thus I’ve begun the hunt for online internships with different publishing houses that can possibly use off-site reading/editing/fact checking interns.

Right now I’m waiting to hear back from Macmillian Publishers to see if there are any openings with Tor, their science fiction and fantasy department. Tor has been responsible for some of my favorite series and authors and even the slightest chance of working for them has me giddy.

But if all else fails, world domination remains. It’s always nice to know that when I casually suggest this plan of mine in conversation with some friends that they’re all on board with it. I’m thinking a monarchy. It will be great. What could possibly go wrong?


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